Bomb blast in nigeria

Bomb blast in nigeria, A bomb attack in the city of Maiduguri, northern Nigeria, on Sunday (26 / 6) evening, killing at least 25 people and wounding dozens more.

Local security officials believe the attack was masterminded by an Islamic sect, Boko Haram.

Two men on a motorbike attacked a bar in the Dala region Kabompi, Maiduguri.

According to police, the attack on a motorbike is the hallmark of Boko Haram.

"The attackers threw bombs and fired guns into a bar that killed 25 people while 30 others were seriously injured," said a police officer told AFP.

"I heard a loud explosion followed by sporadic gunfire. I also saw black smoke billowing saw people running in all directions, screaming," said Emmanuel Okon, an eyewitness.

Boko Haram is the bow of the group who believes that Islam is hard to stay away from Western society.

This group previously claimed responsibility for several bomb attacks, including bombings at police headquarters in the capital Abuja, earlier this month.

Some time later a number of attacks targeting Boko Haram is the police officers in the state of Borno in the north of the country as a prime target.

In fact, Boko Haram leader Mohammad Yusuf and a few hundred supporters were killed in Maiduguri in 2009 after they attacked a police station.