Google launches rival Facebook

Google launches rival Facebook, Search site Google launched a new social networking website as the latest attempt to rival Facebook.

Facebook claims to be used more than 500 million users worldwide.

+ Google social networking, like Facebook, lets users share photos, stories and comments.

The difference is, Google + is also equipped with maps and other images stored in Google data centers.

In addition, Google + claims is aimed at helping users to easily group contacts and their friends in the system group.

However, some analysts say Google only shows what the back up and just chat just add viceo facilities.

Google, which used two of the three search Interner in the United States, suffered a blow from Facebook in the last few years.

A number of Google's efforts to compete with Mark Zuckerberg's creation networks that are always fails to include Google's Google Buzz Wave and very unpopular.

The launch of a limited

+ Newest version of Google's already released for limited users. However, Google's management said in the near future are expected to millions of people can already use this product.

"Social networking on the Internet requires serious thought. And it's time we started," said President of Engineering Google, Vic Gundotra.

"Existing facilities in other social networks complicate the user to select a small group," added Gundotra, referring to the system group in Facebook.

Despite claiming to have advantages, analysts predict Google will find it hard internet seize loyal Facebook users to switch to a new social networking.

"People already have their social circles on Facebook. It offers a new social circle is something very challenging," said analyst with research firm eMarketer, Debra Aho Williamson.

"The idea of Google's social networking ... they're throwing ideas for several years and no one was successful," added Williamson.

April, Google reached an agreement outside of court related to Google's social networking service Buzz.

A group of people to sue Google because it is considered deceptive and violate the privacy of GMail users who without consent of the user directly insert them into the Buzz network.