Bomb in Central Iraq, 21 people were killed

At least 21 people were killed when two bombs exploded at a checkpoint near the governor's office Diwaniya, 150km south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
This bomb attack was the latest attack that made ​​the government offices as well as the main target.

Diwaniya is a poor region with a majority Shiite population. A number of armed groups known to make this area as a center of their activities.

According to local security forces, a suicide bomber blew himself and a car bomb exploded outside the governor's office when changing of the guard performed at the checkpoint.

"So far the death toll reached 21 people," said a spokesman for the provincial council Mawat Fadhel.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Provincial Security Committee Diwaniya Isghair Kareem said the bomb was deliberately targeting the security personnel when they are undertaking a change of guard.

Bombings and assassinations in Iraq dropped dramatically since the peak of sectarian clashes occurred in 2006-2007. However, perlawanankelompok militants linked to al-Qaeda and Shiite militias are still doing various attacks.

Meanwhile, attacks against security forces and local authorities is increasing as planned withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq which is scheduled for completion later this year after more than eight years of occupying Iraq.

A week ago, gunmen and suicide bombers attacked a government building in Baquba, Diyala province.

The attack killed at least eight people before Iraqi and U.S. forces took over the building.