EU delays Greece debt thawed

Finance ministers of the European Union countries to delay the decision on granting a debt of 12 billion - euro to Greece, until the country has a careful steps in handling their finances.

They expect to pay the final debt relief package amounting to 110 billion euros from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund IMF in mid-July.

However, the payment can be made ​​if Greece can run budget cuts amounting to 28 billion euros and economic reforms, they added.

Prime Minister George Papandreou told parliament that they should support the budget cuts demanded by the EU and the IMF to avoid "catastrophic" failure.

They will vote on next Tuesday.

Earlier, the Prime Minister to reshuffle the cabinet, especially the position of finance minister, to bring the budget cuts can be passed parliament.

Last week, thousands of people gathered outside the parliament building in Athens refused to budget cuts.

They protested with banners and flags unfurled Greece, and shouting the word "thief!, Traitor!"