Winklevoss stop the lawsuit over Facebook

Two twin brothers, former college friend of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard, ending their lawsuit on Facebook.

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss has reached an agreement out of court settlement worth U.S. $ 65 million in 2008 after claiming that Zuckerberg stole their idea.

The battle was recounted in the civil movies The Social Network.

Last January they attempt to open the case on the grounds that they should receive a larger payment.

They tried to cancel the cash deal valued at U.S. $ 20 million in cash and stock worth U.S. $ 45 million - which is now worth more than U.S. $ 100 million.

A U.S. Supreme Court decided in April that they now can not cancel the deal.

Two brothers had previously threatened to appeal to the United States Supreme Court to overturn the verdict, but they now say they will not continue.

They do not explain the reasons for the decision.

Two twin brothers Winklevoss previously argued that Zuckerberg stole their idea after he was paid by them to create their site ConnectU program code in 2003.

Facebook has been denying the allegations, but in 2008 agreed to halt a lawsuit that they called "hateful" is.