F1 environmentally friendly cars by 2014

Formula 1 officials agreed to postpone the use of environmentally friendly engines until 2014.

This step is taken after appearing urging rejection of the plan to replace the 2.4-liter V8 engine with 1.6 liter turbo that was fitted with hybrid technology.

Taken the middle road for the current F1 is using the six-cylinder engine rather than four previously agreed upon.

It's a win for Ferrari who reject restrictions only four-cylinder engine.

F1 and the oldest member who is also the most influential reject the restriction that the cars are all commercial uses six-cylinder Ferrari.

Of all the machine manufacturers involved in F1, only Renault that fully supports the use of environmentally friendly engines.

Car factory of the French even had threatened to withdraw from F1 if the new rules were not applied immediately. This is related to their plans to produce cars with three-quarters of commercial production capacity is small turbo hybrid cars later than 2015.

Mercedez approved the use of environmentally friendly technologies, but they are concerned with the time the application is considered too fast.

These new rules proposed by FIA president Jean Todt who wants F1 to be more environmentally friendly and more related to commercial vehicles sold in the market.

F1 cars are expected to be able to save fuel by 35% compared to now and to popularize hybrid technology and other energy efficient technologies.

Such technological developments are being crowded place and already widely applied in current production cars. The hope is the image of F1 as the most prestigious motor sport will help the popularity of this technology like a popularity persnelling semi-automatic that was introduced in Ferrari F1 1989.