World's oldest person dies

A Brazilian woman who is estimated as the world's oldest person dies at the age of 114 years.

Valentim Maria Gomes died from a number of organ failure a few weeks before she turned 115 years old.

Guinness World Records said it had examined birth records from 1896 and just last month announced as the oldest person in the world.

Shortly before he died, he said he liked the traditional food such as Brazilian feijoada or black beans, and porridge with spicy sauce.

Guinness said Valentim died at the age of 114 years and 347 days.

He spent his life in the City Carangola, the eastern part of the country.

Previously, the oldest person in the world title held by Besse Cooper of Georgia, USA.

However, last month, Guinness said it had found an older Valentim 48 days from Cooper.

They say that Brazilian women of a healthy diet, always breakfast with bread rolls, fruit and coffee.

He has four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and great-grandchildren and five grandchildren.

His son died in the early 1990s at the age of 75.

Guinness said the title of world's oldest person is now held by Cooper, aged 114 years and 299 days.