Greek demonstrators back in action

The demonstrators again gathered outside the Greece parliament complex in Athens ahead of the ballot vote of confidence Tuesday night local time.

Voting is scheduled to take place at around 21 GMT (0400 GMT Wednesday).

The demonstrators who gathered in Syntagma Square, in front of the Greece parliament, chanting against the austerity measures.

BBC correspondent in Athens says that while the number of protesters is not many, they represent the voice of the public anger over the economic crisis that wrapped around their country.

Greece is struggling to avoid default on its debts in very large numbers next month.

EU member states require a second international loan funds and lending it depends on whether the new budget austerity measures passed by the parliament.

The results of a vote of confidence Tuesday night became the country's first step to getting a loan worth U.S. $ 12 billion from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Greece faces''moment of truth''(now showing what is really desired its citizens), said European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso when making statements about progress in Athens.

If the government passes a motion of confidence, the Greece parliament will be asked to approve the budget austerity policy package of U.S. $ 28 billion on June 28.

The EU and the IMF will release new funds if it is approved austerity measures the Greece parliament.

Greek citizens who opposed the package of budget reduction policies launched angry demonstrations in recent weeks.