Gaddafi accused NATO deliberately attacked civilian

Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has accused NATO troops have killed scores of civilians during a bombing against its troops.

Gaddafi's statement that audio recording is played by state television on Wednesday night was his first statement after the NATO attacks on a number of Libyan troops and military facilities are also killed scores of civilians.

Gaddafi said that NATO had lied by saying that they have made every effort to make his attack not on non-military targets.

"You say, 'we shoot targets with the right', you murderer," he said with anger to the NATO.

"Someday we'll get back what you've lalukan and shelter you will be our target," he warned of impending war in Europe, America and Asia.

Although Gaddafi statement released last night but was expected to record the statement made ​​on 20 June.

NATO had earlier deplored the civilian casualties in the attack which occurred on June 19, they mention "the failure of the weapon system" is expected as a causative factor becomes misdirected and attacks on civil society.

In the attack the Government of Libya said NATO air strikes on residential areas, killing nine people, including babies.